Dear Editor – More Words – Feb ’25
More words and another challenge
Karen Goss’ account, page two last month, of her and her ‘other half’s’ suggestions of EMINENTLY (26) and EFFEMINATELY (36) as long words which can, (in capitals), be written only using straight lines, were appreciated, adding further ENLIVENMENT(32) to an already lively January Chronicle.
Recently, EFFEMINATELY’s 36 appeared to have been equalled by LINEAMENTALLY but with a feeling of LAMENTALITY(29) I must accept the Oxford Dictionary listing it as obsolete, not having been used since pre the year 1475!
Without intending to start a series of letters about letters, I would be intrigued to know if any reader can identify any other word containing three consecutive double letters which may eventually become acceptable in addition to Bookkeeper, Bookkeeping and Tattooee.
Roger Garratt .
(three non-consecutive double letters!)