Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The monthly parish council meeting was held on 7 January at 7 pm in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.


Cllr Feltham informed members that there were to be traffic lights on the A6 over the next few weeks, while contractors for Gigaclear installed fibre broadband cables. Although the cables are to be installed in the footpaths and not in the road itself, the traffic control is required to protect the staff and equipment.


The county council have completed a detailed review of A47 traffic and a request has been made for a similar review of the A6. Current consultations include the budget proposals and a Nature Recovery Strategy.


The timescale for the Local Plan public consultation has been delayed to February/March.

Joint Recreation Board

The zipwire remains closed with the £9,744 repair cost included in the 2025 budgets for both parish councils. Dependent on the weather, hedging work around the Warwick Park wildflower area will begin in January. The application for a new metal fence around Polwell Park will be submitted soon.

Joint Burial Board

The next meeting will be on 15 January.

Village Hall

The Community Grant for the front steps has been received. The film at 7.30pm on 15 February will be “Valentine’s Day”.

Kibworth Allotments

Robin Ager, the Society chairman, attended to explain their request for s106 funding for secure fencing and gravel improvements to the parking area. Members agreed to support the application.
Youth Council. No update.

Grammar School Hall/Community Hub

The next Hub Steering Group meeting is on 8 January and the next Trustees meeting is on 15 January.

Police & Crime

The camera van has been positioned on the A6 and caught drivers exceeding 30mph.

Grass-cutting quotes

It was agreed for Leicestershire Gardens to cut the park areas and for Spendlove to continue with the A6, Wistow Road and Kibworth Meadows verges.


It was agreed to approve the cost for four devices in the 2025/26 budget. These will be on the same network as the six already purchased by KBPC. Locations will need to be agreed upon once they have been delivered.

Finances & Administration

All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved. The budget was discussed, and it was agreed to send a precept request to HDC for £133,037. The government budget, that increased National Insurance costs for employers, applies to parish councils. KHPC now pays 50% of the joint costs for the van, office, and Grounds Team instead of 33%. For a Band D house, this will be an annual increase of £42.38 (0.81p per week).

Clerk’s Report

The Parish Notice Boards on Dairy Way and New Road both need replacing as the wood is in a very poor condition. The Grounds Team are going to remove both and see if a single Notice Board can be reconstructed from the two, and this will then be installed on Dairy Way.


There is still a vacancy on KHPC, so if anybody would like to be considered for co-option, please contact the clerk.

Next Public Meetings

The next two public meetings are on 4 February and 4 March in the Studio, Kibworth Community Hub, at 7pm.

Our monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?

Please visit our website for more information about us at

If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Parish Council.

Sara Barrett (