Harvey Gardiner has recently painted a watercolour to send a message of support to Ukraine and raise funds for the Children of Ukraine’s Unicef Appeal. The just giving page launched this morning.
We managed to get through the very dry season without any further restrictions on movement through the locks, unlike canals in other parts of the country (most of them have re-opened now) although it was a close thing. Water was regularly run down at night to top up the lower Leics. Line, through to Leicester, which has suffered from leakage forever.
Wood Wide Web This is not a typing/laptop mistake, it is taken from a book that I was recommended to read. It is written by the colourfully named Merlin Sheldrake and entitled 'Entangled Life.' All praised by, no less authorities than, Robert Macfarlane and Helen MacDonald. For a biologist or better still a botanist this book would give 'insider' knowledge of an important, possibly familiar, and revelatory nature but as a non-biologist or botanist. I found reading the book like walking in the dark through unfamiliar land. I came out of it better informed, it was a worthwhile read! I learned that mushrooms are the fruit of the fungi and the truffle is the most precious!
Traditional: (Above) David and Martin recently invited the ladies of Kibworth and Smeeton WI to their home, Kibworth Hall for an afternoon of traditional carol singing with prosecco and mince pies. A fabulous time was had by all.
Interesting to see upwards of 50 horses with riders in full hunting attire and a smaller number of tail-wagging beagles processing along Smeeton Westerby High Street on the morning of Saturday 26 November. A rural spectacle?
There were 60 individually decorated trees. Those who visited the church voted for their favourite tree in Adult and Children's section. The winning Adult tree was made by Anne Bloor from Burton Overy and Natalia, from Ukraine.