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Foxton Locks
Foxton Locks, photo courtesy of Union Wharf

Canal Cuttings

8th June 2022 | Community

The weather was excellent over both the Easter and May Day holidays, and visitors flocked out to the locks. A steady stream of boats passed through, and the trip boat ‘Vagabond’ was up and running again. After two years, it feels as if we are hopefully getting back to how things were before the pandemic. 

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News From Smeeton Westerby Village Hall

23rd May 2022 | Community

The sound of fun and laughter emanated from our village hall on the evening of Saturday 23 April as quiz masters Chris and Monica Gibbins delivered our annual quiz. To begin the evening, and to feed ‘those little grey cells,’ a delicious supper was served before the fun began. It certainly was a fun evening! At the end of the night, the results were really close. In the end the team ‘It’s my round’ just managed to gain the victory and win the prize. To the great delight of the organising committee, we made another £500 for the British Red Cross Ukrainian Appeal. This, along with £370 raised at our Henry V111 evening and another £1,121 in donations collected by the Church Council means that, to date, we have now raised a total of £1,991 for this most urgent appeal. Thank you to everyone for your generosity.

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The Well

The Well May 2022 update

23rd May 2022 | Charity, Community

Our recently extended opening hours have allowed us to welcome more people through our doors.  Monday, we open 10 until 1, and Tuesday to Friday, we’re open from 10 until 4. Come and browse the items in our keenly priced pre-loved clothes shop. Stocking women’s, men’s and kids’ clothes as well as shoes and accessories.  The stock is always being replenished as we sort through the generous donations we receive. So be sure to pop along soon.

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Kibworth Easter Egg Update

23rd May 2022 | Charity, Community

Derek and I would like to thank everybody who contributed to make our Easter Egg Appeal so successful. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of people within the Kibworth community. In particular the children who attend Kibworth Mead Academy, numerous local business owners, and our very kind customers from The Railway Arms and O Hair hairdressers.

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