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15th February 2022 | Community

Children form Kibworth Primary School raised the alarm when they heard distressed sounds coming from the railway line near Warwick Road Park. On closer inspection they found a small deer trapped in the railway railings near the ‘tin bridge’. They alerted the fire brigade who with the help of the RSPCA managed to free the deer and take it away to be checked by their vets. The children (photographed) were calm in their approach and should be applauded for acting quickly to save this distressed animal.

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Duggie's Ramblings

Duggie's Ramblings

15th February 2022 | Community

It would be surprising if this experience has not happened - you have lent a book, a tool or other useful article to a friend or family and that was the last time you saw it!

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Agatha Christie sketch
Concept Sketch of Agatha Christie

Local designer plots to solve the mystery

30th January 2022 | Community

Internationally renowned Creative Designer Harvey Gardiner from Kibworth Harcourt has joined forces with Artist Steve Winterburn of Yorkshire Fine Arts to create the concept for a 1½ times life-size bronze statue of Agatha Christie to be placed in Torquay Harbour. Harvey and Steve have been chosen as one of five finalists across the country with a concept that depicts the life and works of the world’s bestselling author (with over 2.1 billion copies sold.)

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