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Category: Community

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Rosie Harrison smiling

In the Spotlight: Rosie Made a Thing

26th April 2021 | Business, Community

Rosie was born in Keyham but spent most of her childhood living in Oadby where she went to Leicester High School.  She studied Sports Science at Loughborough University.  In her twenties, she lived in the South of France for a short time and then moved to London where she worked as a PE teacher in a Prep School in Chiswick.  Now married with 3 children, she moved to Kibworth shortly before their first child started school in 2012.

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What is Fraud Recovery Fraud

26th April 2021 | Community

Fraud Recovery Fraud is when criminals contact victims purporting to be from their bank, a law enforcement agency, solicitors or “specialist recovery” firm. They will already have some knowledge of the victim’s case and will claim to be able to help the victim get their money back, or some amount of compensation, for a fee. This is often because it is the same criminal targeting the victim again, or the victim’s details have been sold on the dark web to other fraudsters.

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Kibworth & Smeeton WI.

26th April 2021 | Clubs and Societies, Community

A year after our Kibworth and Smeeton WI members’ meeting in early March 2020 - just before the first lockdown - we held a meeting on Zoom. Some members had been taking part in online activities organised by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes. But, for many this would be their first meeting. A chance then to see and speak to their W.I. friends, albeit on a computer screen. The committee was looking for something light-hearted and fun. They chose Steve Price, with his, “Virtually Impossible Magic Tricks and Illusions.”

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26th April 2021 | Community, Letters

We have two large wooden framed vegetable beds in our garden in Glooston which we either never get round to planting out or have failed in what we have tried to grow (apart from runner beans). If any keen gardener is interested in using them as their own allotment, free of charge, please call us on 01858 545700.

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Canal Cuttings.

22nd March 2021 | Community

As we remain for the time being under lock down, not much has changed since November.  Still just essential boat movements. The only  activity is generated by the visitors, who con tinue to come out, even in bad weather, as there  are so few options for people who want to es cape their four walls.  

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