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Category: Community

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Speeding traffic on the A6 near Kibworth

28th January 2021 | Community

Lockdown restrictions have seen a huge increase in speeding traffic on the A6? Not according to the Police. Despite catching 70 motorists in July 2019 in a two hour session, as reported by ‘LeicestershireLive’, you might expect a greater incidence of police action after ridiculous speeds were witnessed by many this year. This was not new; the article noted similar driving behaviour in the past, and highlighted recorded speeds of up to 122mph. Speeds recorded in 2020 have been even higher. There has been a suspicion in some quarters that police enforcement measures between March and October 2020 have been less than was merited by the previous radar gun sessions. Two Freedom of Information (FoI) requests eventually revealed the following:

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Age UK: ‘Not Forgotten This Winter’ campaign

9th January 2021 | Charity, Community

This winter will be the hardest that older people have experienced in recent years. They will face the annual struggle with the hardship and loneliness of colder, darker winter months but this year they are also coping with fear, distress and uncertainty brought by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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The Well

5th January 2021 | Charity, Community

We have been so happy to open our doors at the start of December, both in the café for takeaways and in the charity shop. The atmosphere has been cosy and welcoming and it has been lovely to welcome back old friends whilst meeting some new.

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Christmas at Gumley

1st January 2021 | Churches, Community, What's On

Usually at this time of year everyone is getting ready for Christmas celebrations. In Gumley that usually means a Nativity or Carol Service and a Christingle Service, in St Helen’s our beautiful church.

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Keep the home fires burning

1st January 2021 | Community

Just a few months after decimalisation, on 17 May 1971, 10cwt of coal was delivered to a customer in Council Street (now Stuart  Street), Kibworth Beauchamp. The coal merchants were Bromley Bros. and Sons, who were based at the old Kibworth railway station yard and could be contacted by telephone on Kibworth 407.

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The Kibworth School

1st January 2021 | Churches, Community, Schools

I note that local parents and parish councillors have been informed and consulted on a school’s governing body’s intention to work towards joining a multi-academy trust before the end of the current school year.

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