Advent Windows in Mowsley.
21st December 2020 | Charity, Community
Eighteen residents in Mowsley decided that despite Covid-19 they would go ahead and decorate their windows to celebrate Christmas.
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Eighteen residents in Mowsley decided that despite Covid-19 they would go ahead and decorate their windows to celebrate Christmas.
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I am sure that I speak for a lot of people when I say a very big thank you to the unpaid volunteers who give their time and energy to make such a tremendous success of Kibworth Library. I know that, over and above their traditional library, they are missing the extra activities they organise when not so restricted by Covid-19.
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Leicestershire is leading the way in the fight against climate change, as the county council has committed to being carbon neutral ahead of national targets.
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Health leaders in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) are pleased to announce the beginning of the local Covid vaccination programme from GP-led locations.
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A wealth of information is provided with the bottle. The details would fit nicely onto a sheet of A4, but they’ve been squeezed onto a back label just 8cm by 6. It’s just as well that the quality of the contents mean that you won’t need to damage your eyesight by straining to read the returns procedure.
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Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day 2020 were marked in a different way this year. This was due to the nationwide Covid virus restrictions in place.
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Life can sometimes throw a spanner in the works. My spanner was me and my family testing positive for Covid-19. Hearing about the virus on the news could never prepare me for the last few weeks when I have experienced it first-hand. From what I have learnt, there are four ways people can feel the effects of Covid-19. Nothing, Minor, Serious or Fatal.
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Tim Wilford & Charlene Larke finally tied the knot and married at the famous Gretna Green in Scotland on 20 October.
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Our much-loved cat Munch has been missing since 12 August.
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I was born in a small village in rural Bangladesh (East Pakistan as it was then) but I don’t know in which year. This is not so unusual, the village did not even have electricity and nobody kept any official records.
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