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Category: Community

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Financial Help from The Kibworth & District Chronicle

19th July 2020 | Community, Editorial, Health

Like most societies, councils, community forums and groups of friends, The Kibworth & District Chronicle Management Committee has been holding its meetings online. Zoom, Google and Microsoft have really been helping with communication though most of us would really like to go back to face to face I suspect. Some of those meetings will have been to discuss finances and perhaps lack of funds for day to day running or future projects.

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Smeeton Westerby Village Hall - Covid-19 update

25th June 2020 | Community

During ‘Lockdown’, Smeeton Westerby Village Hall, like all other halls, has had to close its doors to all its users. However, on a positive note, it has meant that with the building being empty for so long, we have been able to employ a decorator to come in and completely repaint the building both inside and out.

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Main Street Theatre Company

25th June 2020 | Clubs and Societies, Community

I am not sure how many of you are aware, but the Main Street Theatre Company of Great Glen started its life, (approximately 46 years ago!) as The Kibworth Drama Group based in the new drama studio of the then Kibworth High School. Recently on Facebook, Heather Wilson, one of our members, has been posting lots of old photos and programmes of shows that the group performed all those years ago. It has been fascinating to see them again and to relive so many great times.

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