Two’s Company and Trees a Crowd!
11th May 2020 | Community
Thank you to all the residents who asked for tree saplings from Kibworth Woodland over the last month. We hope you’ve enjoyed planting in your gardens.
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Thank you to all the residents who asked for tree saplings from Kibworth Woodland over the last month. We hope you’ve enjoyed planting in your gardens.
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Mass Observation Day is a national archive, and you are invited to participate.
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The good news for many residents is that on Monday 18 May Leicestershire County Council will be re-opening seven of their fourteen Recycling and Household Waste Sites (RHWS).
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In accordance with government guidelines all church buildings are closed until further notice, including for public worship, private prayer and any other meetings. However, there are many ways to worship at home.
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Hello to you all and a quick update from the Kibworth Osteopathic Practice!
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It would be great if you could join us for our virtual coffee morning to help us raise some much needed funds for Leicestershire Wildlife Hospital.
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On 18 April, Joan Spain celebrated her 100th birthday, not in the usual way with a party for friends and family but quietly at home with roast chicken, cooked by her daughter Angela. Instead of stopping by to visit with their congratulations, the family wished her a Happy Birthday via Zoom.
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The morning of 23 April dawned and as chairman of Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council, I prepared to go to Jubilee Green on Main Street to lower the Union flag, that has been up for a year and replace it with the red cross on white background of the St George’s England flag. I had carefully stored the flag together with the key to unlock the small access panel on the rear of the flagpole so the mechanism holding the flag halyard could be loosened. The Parish had bought two new flags to replace the previous worn ones. We had raised the new Union flag and it was now time to do the same for the England flag on the national saint’s day.
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The first time I entered a Chemistry Lab. at school I noticed a jar of bright yellow powder. To my disappointment it was nothing to do with the sherbet lemon sweets that I was familiar with in other glass jars. The label stated simply “Sulphur”. Brimstone is another word for sulphur.
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It’s so hard to believe that this time last year we were looking forward to our Spring fête in the library. One really good thing that has come out of this strange new world we find ourselves in, is our wonderful sense of community here in the Kibworths and the surrounding villages. So many of us have connected with others to help in whatever way we can. Whether it be collecting prescriptions, buying food or sourcing elusive items like hearing aid batteries.
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