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Category: Community

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Wedding Bells at St. Wilfrids

27th July 2019 | Community

The sun shone and the bells rang out on Saturday 25 May, for Emma Formoy and Joe Walsh, who were married in a service conducted by Rev. Ludger Fremmer. Ludger spoke of the challenges Emma and Joe would face together and the love and support they would give each other. Guests included family and friends from all around the UK, the US, Australia and France.

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1st Kibworth Scouts

27th July 2019 | Clubs and Societies, Community

On 7 June the 1st Kibworth Scouts group enjoyed an evening of mountain biking - although not on mountains it was still great fun. Go to YouTube and watch them cycling around the streets of Kibworth and Smeeton Westerby. Photo and video courtesy of Alam Navsa.

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St Wilfrid's Lunch Stop

25th June 2019 | Community

Lunch Stop says goodbye to Julia White and Michael Pearce after 20 years of volunteering. The cafe is open most Thursdays from 12 to 2pm (orders before 1pm) for reasonably priced lunches at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall.

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Thank you Lois

25th May 2019 | Community

Each month on a Sunday morning your Kibworth & District Chronicleis ‘laid up’ on boards in Kibworth Village Hall. This has been taking place ten times a year for over 41 years. From almost the beginning, Lois Harrison, reaching the age of 90 this year, has attended to read through copy (along with several others) check grammar, spelling and punctuation and carry out some minor editing before arranging the various articles on a page template ready for the printers.

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Keeping the countryside clean

25th April 2019 | Community

How often do you drive along country roads or go for a walk and comment on the amount of litter? Kibworth resident, Liz Gilbert, decided she wanted to do something about it and has started a campaign to encourage everyone who enjoys walking in the countryside to make an effort to pick up rubbish. As she says “it’s our countryside so we have to look after it”. In the last few weeks Liz has collected over 40 bags of rubbish, ten of them filled with items found on the Kibworth to Tur Langton road when it was closed to traffic. 

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New roof for St Peter’s Church…

25th March 2019 | Churches, Community

The roof of one of Leicestershire’s most iconic churches has now been replaced with stainless steel after callous thieves stripped the lead off it three times. The replacement is not worth as much to scrap metal thieves as lead thus detering further crime. 

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