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Category: Obituaries

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Jim Cretney

Jim Cretney (deceased)

26th June 2023 | Obituaries

Eric James Cretney (Jim) started life on 27 July, 1926. The son of Henry Cretney and Rita Demirimond. Jim grew up with three siblings, Phillip, Christine and Edward all of whom predeceased Jim. They lived in Goole in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

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Earl Spencer in mourning

24th April 2023 | Obituaries, People

On 22 March, Captain Hon. George Cecil Robert Maurice Spencer (known as ‘Bobby’) passed away in Trustbridge Hospice, West Palm Beach, Florida at the age of 90. He was a 1st cousin of Edward John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer, father of Diana, Princess of Wales and Charles the 9th Earl of Althorp.

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Michael McCluskey

20th February 2023 | Obituaries

Noeleen McCluskey thanks everyone for the many cards and messages of condolence and help received on the death of her beloved husband, Michael, on 2 December. Also for the attendance of so many at the funeral. He is very much missed.

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Hazel Baxter

28th January 2023 | Obituaries

Hazel was an avid reader and scholar and an enthusiastic member of the Brownie and Guide movements surrounding her!

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