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Thank you Kibworth Golf Club

1st January 2021 | Clubs and Societies, Sport

I would like to say a big thank you to the management team at Kibworth Golf Club for opening the grounds for the general public to enjoy during these difficult time. It’s been wonderful to appreciate the open space, lovely colours of the trees, sound of the water fountains and to be able to wander with friends, stopping to sup a flask of coffee and have a chat on a bench. The lovely grounds are an asset to Kibworth and a testament to the skills of their grounds team.

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Kibworth Tennis Club.

27th December 2020 | Clubs and Societies, Sport

The good news is that we started all of the tennis activities again at the club from Wednesday December 2nd. The courts have been very busy with children and adults glad to be back doing an outdoor activity despite some of the rubbish weather.

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Kibworth Golf Club

Kibworth Golf Club.

27th December 2020 | Sport

It would be an under statement to say 2020 has been a strange year... we have all had to deal with a variety of challenges and the golf club is no exception

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Fleckney Cricket Club Autumn 2020 update

29th November 2020 | Sport

Thanks to all things Covid it has been a truncated Cricket season for Fleckney Village Cricket Club. Both Saturday sides played in the Covid Cup Mini League and our Midweek and Sunday sides playing a host of friendlies.

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