Breast Cancer Now is a charity which funds research into the causes of breast cancer and also provides counselling support for sufferers, sadly many of whom are young.
A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working to equip christians and churches to protect and restore the environment – for God, nature and all people. We aim to inspire individuals and families, equip churches and church leaders, build partnerships and manage land for nature and people.
Following the retirement of Clerk Alison Gibson, interviews were conducted for the posts by both Tur Langton and East Langton Parish Councils. Alison has served both Councils for ten and seven years respectively. Her dedication and thoroughness have kept both Councils abreast of the regulations, updating and ensuring their smooth running as well as taking on the enormous amount of office work involved in establishing our Neighbourhood Plans. We all and thank her for her devotion to the Council and wish her a well-earned rest and enjoyment of her retirement.
The summer holiday has been busy at KMA! Thanks to a huge capital investment from The Mead Educational Trust, a massive amount of building work has been successfully completed over the summer. This has included the refurbishment of two state of the art science laboratories, our Year 7 refectory, and the main student entrance.
"She looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark tree-trunks, she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe" – CS Lewis, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Well what can I say, my dream has become a reality. My name is Donna and I am the owner of Artisan Fayre in Kibworth, Leicestershire, and I love colour, up-cycling and re-cycling and for most of my life I have always had a creative flair.
When you think of Texas you probably imagine oil rigs, cattle drives and cowboy hats, not birds. But Southern Texas is one of the top birding spots in the world due to its sub-tropical weather and mild winters.
Following our disaster with the fireworks last year, and cancellation after Storm Babet and storm Ciaran flooded the field, and the losses that impacted on the Rotary Club members, the club has decided to move venues to Kibworth Golf Club. We take this opportunity to thank David Briggs for the use of his field and assistance with the bonfire over many years.
Several people have approachedThe Kibworth & DistrictChronicle to ascertain exactly what is happening to the fenced-off cob wall opposite the Co-op. The pavement has been unusable for several months now.