We are a long established group who share an interest in embroidery and textiles. Although we are affiliated to Embroiderers’ Guild we are an Independent group and currently have a membership of 36.
On Saturday 22 June Kilby Get To Know Your Neighbours held their annual Boules and BBQ night. The event was held at the home of Iain and Denise Bell and fifty two people attended. Iain Bell awarded the Boules Trophy to Andrew and Annette Hamp, newcomers to the village. Thanks go to Denise and Kathy who did the amazing salads, Jan and Iain for the bbq and Tony and Dave who organised the boules teams. The raffle and donations this year raised £220 which will go to the Coronary Care Unit at Glenfield Hospital.
Foxton Community Choir would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported our ‘Saturday Night Out’ summer concert in June. In the new summer venue of the Robert Monk Village Hall in Foxton, the choir and guest performers delivered an evening of music from musicals and movies, which had the entire audience tapping their toes and humming along.
A replica of the Hallaton Helmet was officially unveiled at Hallaton Museum last Wednesday 19 June. This amazing, high quality replica of the original helmet was researched by Leicestershire Museums, and made by Rajesh Gogna, Silversmith. He produced two copies: one that is on display at Harborough Museum, the other at its home in Hallaton.
It’s hard to imagine a better way to lift the spirits on a cool, cloudy Sunday afternoon than by going to the Summer Concert of the Kibworth Band. It was held at the Kibworth Hub and all seat tickets had been sold. There are in effect three bands: the Seniors, the Youth Band (some of whom have already progressed to the Seniors so play in both) and the Training Band. These young children are just learning their instruments but gave us an excellent effort with their short programme, including ‘Ode to Joy’ and ‘When the Saints go Marching In.’
Leicester High School for Girls raised £890 for the Kibworth based, Leicestershire Wildlife Hospital at its Junior Summer Fair, a well-attended event that brought together students, families, and members of the community.
In landlocked Leicestershire it seems strange to be writing about the RNLI. This volunteer organisation not only looks after our shoreline it also often oversees some of our inland lakes and water holes. There are 40,000 water holes. Saddington Reservoir is just one.