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Gumley Hall History

20th April 2024 | Local History

Gumley Hall, demolished in 1962, employed many people during its heyday. The Hall used to stand to the east of the church with a lake behind, which is still there but is private property. There was no electricity in the village until 1931, but the owners of Gumley Hall made good this deficiency by generating their own supplies. In the small factory-like building with a large chimney-stack south of the church, Captain Whitmore produced gas in the late-19th century, and Mr Murray Smith in the early 20th century converted the installation to produce electricity.

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Look after your mind

Look After Your Mind – Words, Words, Mere Words

20th April 2024 | Health

So said Troilus to Pandarus in Shakespeare’s ‘Troilus and Cressida’ (Act Five, Scene Three). A sentiment shared by the philosopher Alan Watts who called words ‘puffs of air’. On the other hand, the America Christian preacher Charles Capps has said that words are the most powerful thing in the universe.

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Was Easter Monday Appealing?

20th April 2024 | Churches

For villagers in Church Langton, Kibworth, Foxton, and Great Bowden you might have heard on Easter Monday your church bells ringing for up to half an hour. Bell ringers from as far away as Cambridge and Desford descended on south Leicestershire. It was part of an Easter ‘tour’, visiting the towers of the four churches above. Some of the bells were even recorded. One of the ladies, Rebecca Banner from Desford bell ringers, is recording all the bells of Leicestershire. A joyful and very English sound and appreciated by all who heard them.

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Illston-on-the-Hill WI - Apr '24

20th April 2024 | Clubs and Societies

Illston-on- the-Hill WI were privileged to host Sue Pulsford, a former police officer. The tales of her time in the force during the 1960’s left us both entertained and enlightened. Under the intriguing title ‘Heartbeat, I was there’, Sue took us on a nostalgic journey through her experiences as a pioneering woman in a predominantly male police force.

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A True Blaby Pearl 

20th April 2024 | Community

In April, Laboratory Administrator Lynn Shalvey marks her 30th year with Edmonds and Slatter independent opticians. Just as the pearl symbolizes a 30th anniversary, Lynn's tireless dedication behind the scenes in managing the spectacle glazing lab, akin to the hidden gem within an oyster, has not gone unnoticed.

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