We have continued to see news reports from across England and Wales, sharing accounts of severe weather events. We've seen the damage that they have caused in local communities over the past few weekends to homes, businesses and to individuals.
The word relax comes from Latin and means to loosen or open. It is also linked to free, as in free up. Relaxing deeply is not just a physical process, but also a loosening up of thoughts; a kind of quiet and gentle concentration that focuses the mind on pleasant things. Here’s a script I use when I want to relax. If you try it, I recommend getting someone with a soothing voice to record it for you, speaking quietly and slowly. When you wish to listen, sit somewhere peaceful where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes, though this is not essential, but if you keep them open stare at the floor or a blank space on the wall and don’t let your gaze wander. Now notice your body and deliberately relax your muscles, then enjoy…
Everyone is very welcome to join us this Christmastime. We have services suitable for all ages, both traditional and modern; we look forward to seeing you. For all information please visit our website:www.stwilfridskibworth.co.uk.
Creative Harborough is the town’s philanthropic network of arts and cultural organisations and businesses. They have worked with Harborough District Council and the ‘Market Harborough and The Bowdens Charity’ to facilitate a busking initiative. This aims to make it easier for local artists and young performers especially, to share their talent and animate the town.
On Friday 15 November Kilby Get To Know Your Neighbours held their annual skittles night at The Conservative Club in Wigston. Thirty people enjoyed a very lively evening. Thanks go to Kathy Kilsby for organising the event and everyone who helped on the night. A raffle raised £82 which was given to Kilby Woodland Trust. The winner of the men’s team was Peter Parsons and Kathy Kilsby had the highest score on the lady’s team. We would like to thank the staff at The Conservative Club for their help and for providing a lovely supper.