‘Myths of Middle Eastern Dance’ by professional belly dancer Roxanne Dinsdale is the subject of our third Tuesday Social talk on 19 March . The venue is Kibworth Community Hub (formerly Kibworth Grammar School) and start time is 2pm. Guests welcome.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 4 April at the Methodist Chapel Hall. Doors open at 2pm for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat with other members, followed at 2.30pm by a talk given by Mark Goddard entitled ‘Spring Colour in the Garden’ There will be plants for sale too.
As reported in last month’s KibworthChronicle, the main focus of the Band’s rehearsal schedule was the Area Contest which took place on Sunday 2 March at Corby Business Academy.
Over half the world’s population depends on groundwater for their drinking water and nearly half of all water for crop irrigation. In our country, water for crop irrigation in times of drought has been a real problem for our farmers too.
The speaker at our February meeting was Julie Harrison who, with the help of her husband Ian, gave us a fascinating talk about their holidays in South Africa. Their love of the country and its wildlife began when friends invited them to stay with them. That first visit changed their lives as they fell under South Africa’s spell and they have returned many times since to the Kruger National Park. Covering an area of more than 19,000 square kilometres, the Kruger has very few fences to restrict the animals’ movements, except small ones around the safari camps where visitors are accommodated.
As a local acupuncturist and Taichi Qigong instructor, I frequently get asked: “What is qi (pronounced chee)?” Here is my understanding after reading the Qigong book written by Peter Deadman (published in 2024).
With the Pantomime now put to bed (though please enjoy our belated photographs as a reminder of 'Dick Whittington’), we are now planning our annual Quizaret which will be held on Saturday 18 May. SAVE THE DATE!