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Duggies Ramblings - Dracula!

16th September 2022 | Community

Dracula is a name that brings to mind the actors Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. Not to mention a succession of blousy women filling various roles in the horror films set around the 'life' of Count Dracula. The success of the Dracula film output lined the pockets of those involved. This was aprt from the author, formerly journalist, theatre manager turned author, Bram Stoker. He visited Whitby in 1890. On the clifftop hill above the harbour and town of Whitby is the church of St Mary's and the magnificent Abbey founded by Hilda in 657, a genuine historical figure. She is not the only historical figure, there is one other. In Bram Stoker's creation of Dracula, Dracula's boat arrives at Whitby and his first victim is William Swales. This is a name Stoker found on a headstone in the churchyard. Swales had died in 1751.

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"I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book."
— Benedict Cumberbatch

Kibworth Community Library

4th September 2022 | Community

Have you been doing a lot of reading over the summer? Especially during the heat waves when being indoors sometimes seemed the best place to be?

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Japanese students return to Brooke House

4th July 2022 | Community

After three years of lockdown a group of Japanese students is coming to study at Brooke House in Market Harborough for English lessons and a taste of English Life. The students are all girls aged 14 to 16 years. They will fly from Osaka, the second biggest city in Japan on Sunday 24 July and return on Tuesday 16 August.

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New tresurer for the Kibworth Grammar School Hall Committee

4th July 2022 | Clubs and Societies, Community, People

The trustees are pleased to announce that we finally have a treasurer to join us on the committee of KGSH. Welcome Geraldine Burns who has lived in the village for a couple of years now and is keen to become more involved in village life.  Geraldine will be co-opted as a trustee at a special meeting. We are sure that she will be a great asset to our team.  Whilst the hall is busy, we still have some slots available. Kelly, our Hall Officer, is ready to take your call on 0116 2796389, whether it is for an exercise class or some other event or function.

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A garden

Ilston Open Gardens

4th July 2022 | Community, What's On

Like the sun, which gloriously greeted the Illston Open Gardeners on that Saturday morning of April 30th, the generosity of the British public who came out in their droves to visit our gardens also shone through. We collected in excess of £3000, and counting, for the Ukraine Appeal! This is an excellent result from a relatively small village of only 40 houses.

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