It’s been quite a run for me. My first fitness class was in 1994, I finally closed the doors for good in October last year. The support for my classes has been overwhelming these past 27 years. This was especially during times when I’ve had to stop and start due to an on-going bowel disease. Mainly I could carry on as normal but there were several times I needed surgery and the support from my 70-strong regular ladies was always amazing.
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Has food and drink been consumed to excess in gatherings at Christmas? Or, has too little been eaten and drunk - is this latter possible at Christmas? For many this midwinter (midwiner?) festival provides a welcome relief from the long nights and short days. The turning of the year and a pretext for a tsunami of food and drink.
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Kibworth Books has raised more than £2000. This is all in order to gift new books to children who are being cared for on the wards at the Leicester Royal Infirmary over the Christmas period. The award-winning bookshop’s mission, initially, was to raise enough money via donations to gift a book to every child in the 130 beds on the wards.
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Kibworth Village Hall Latest News. The Village Hall Committee was proud to open the Hall for the late night shopping event. We would like to thank all of the fantastic stallholders that came to support the event.
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My enquiry is about the traditional wrestling tournaments, which, in the first half of 19th century, were usually held at Cross Bank in Kibworth. This was during the ‘Statute Fair’ in October after the harvest. Matches were contested on the erected wooden stage. Participants were locals and included men from the neighbouring villages. The tournament was discontinued after the late 1850s because they thought it was a 'barbarian' custom.
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