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Canal Cuttings December 2021

27th December 2021 | Community

After an indifferent summer, September, October and November (to date) have been exceptionally mild and dry, resulting in a welcome extension of the usual visitor season. A lot of boaters use this time to get where they want to be for the winter and Foxton, with its handy services, is a popular spot. Canal & River Trust have some official winter moorings from November to March.

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Kibworth to Smeeton A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Philip John Porter

20th December 2021 | Community

It is with no little sadness that the Chronicle has learned of the death of Philip Porter. The Chronicle regularly featured updates to his book ‘Kibworth to Smeeton: A Stroll Down Memory Lane’ in these pages. The book contains over 100 photographs and maps depicting scenes and events that our forebears in the three villages of Kibworth Beauchamp, Kibworth Harcourt and Smeeton Westerby experienced.

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Leicestershire Police

Speed checks - Leicestershire Police

20th December 2021 | Community

Speed checks were recently carried out in Great Glen to check compliance with speed limits in the area. Some road markings are worn and branches cover speed limit signs. However the speed limit is 30mph if there are street lights and no signs. Several road users stated that they believed London Road was a 40mph zone, despite it being a 30mph zone.

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Let’s Stop Food Waste this Christmas

20th December 2021 | Community, Food and Drink

The recent COP26 conference has highlighted the climate change issues facing all of us. Whilst we certainly need the big players to come on board, we, as individuals, can also do our bit to make small changes which in turn can lead to big impacts. With this in mind let us consider food waste.

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Good news for Christmas – What COP26 Achieved

20th December 2021 | Community, News

The good news about COP26 is that we’re on the way to reaching a safer limit to global warming. We still need to speed up and give far more help to the poorer nations suffering the worst effects of climate change and the pandemic. So not exactly a COP out! The countries have agreed to meet again next year in Egypt to get closer to the target temperature. 

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Nature Notes, Dec 2021. Dabbling Ducks

20th December 2021 | Community

In late October and November, dabbling ducks attain their brightest plumage. They begin to attract mates and pair up in readiness for the spring and early summer nesting season. Also at this time, birds spread south and west avoiding frozen lakes and rivers in Scandinavia and Iceland. This makes December a great month to find dabbling ducks on the shores and margins of inland lakes and reservoirs in lowland Britain.

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