Whilst I am a Kibworth Beauchamp Parish councillor, an ex editor of the Chronicle, and a member of Kibworth Methodist Church. I offer this correspondence solely as a resident of the village - the thoughts are mine alone and not intended to reflect the views of any of these bodies...
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Hurrah, hurrah, there was no ominous knock at our door on the evening of 31 October. We were well-prepared, my wife had earlier in the day purchased a packet of Swizzels 'Trick or Sweets'. All to no avail. Now we are left with Kojak type lollipops! Perhaps very young, primary school, members of our family might be interested or perhaps we will keep them hidden. After all the packet states that they are best eaten before 31 March 2023!
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The Kibworth Chronicle Association, the body that oversees the writing, collating printing and distribution of your Kibworth & District Chronicle held its AGM last Monday 4 October.
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Many thanks to our regular proofreaders Wendy Davies, Ros Holmes, Carol Townend and, for October, Ann Robinson.
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As part of the ongoing commitment by the Police to reduce violence towards women and girls, a new online portal is being launched where concerns can be raised.
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Our Macmillan coffee morning proved to be a great success making £485 for this excellent cause. The village hall was transformed into a charming café with round tables decorated with vases of flowers beautifully created by Nicola Hopkinson. Busily making the tea and coffee, and of course serving the obligatory cakes, were Philippa Britten and Jacqui Taylor. I had the lovely job of being host and welcoming everyone as they arrived.
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October and the first half of November are the most eventful periods of the year for birdwatchers seeking uncommon and rare birds. The diversity of species both inland and especially on the coast is at a peak. At times coastal ‘falls’ of migrant birds produce spectacular numbers with ‘birds in every bush’.
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