No tribute to Bryan Porteous can cover all the community initiatives which gained from his input. He was a very compassionate man who actively supported a great many clubs and charities.
For many years wild birds have frequented my garden, from the tiny delicate Jenny Wren to the majestic predatory Kestrel, I always enjoy watching them feed and squabble amongst themselves.
How useful has this new footpath been on Warwick Park? Since the first lockdown it has been used, no doubt, countless times when folks have been taking their daily exercise. When the rains came in the autumn it was used in preference to the muddy recreation ground. It’s a path that leads to the very newly installed Multi Use Games Area (MUGA). And now with the arrival of snow it is one of the safer routes for getting around our village joining together residents from the outer reaches of the village to the village centre.
It's been a long winter so far with all the covid restrictions in place. But the Easy Riders have continued to thrive, with nearly all the riders battling the elements either solo, or in pairs rides out. Membership is growing rapidly, mainly as a result of our highly successful Xmas bike appeal which saw a great effort from our members resulting in over 70 local children benefiting from the donation of the restored bikes.. We learnt a lot from this scheme and already looking forward to doing it again next year.
It was the snowiest day of the year. 23cm of snow lay on surfaces and I donned my wellingtons for the first time in 20 years, worn, but still waterproof with a good grip. I plodded up to the paper shop only to find it closed with no lights on. At the same time a car drew up. The driver offered me a lift to the Co-op as it was the nearest shop to be open and to sell daily papers. Both the driver and I wanted the same thing. I accepted the lift with some relief as I didn’t plan to return empty handed. The door of the car was frozen shut but with a struggle I got it open.
Following recent success, our Berkley Kibworth office will be moving to a new location from Monday 1 February 2021. We are moving to a prominent High Street location that locals will recognise as the former Queens florists. It is a fantastic space at the centre of the High Street. We hope the new office will be a great opportunity to be at the heart of the community.