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Nature Note - Insects Need Our Help

22nd June 2024 | Editorial

Except for a few glorious days in early May, the first eight weeks of the April to September weekly butterfly counts have been something of a disaster for insects. Only Orange Tip butterflies have appeared locally in numbers approaching ‘normal’. However, as you may have heard on BBC Springwatch, numbers seem to be down across the country. Common species such as Small Tortoiseshell, Comma and Red Admiral have been conspicuously absent.

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Look After Your Mind - Narrative Intelligence Part 1

22nd June 2024 | Health

The idea that intelligence is neither fixed nor a single entity has long been known in the educational world. Many teachers now talk about multiple intelligences, a theory developed by the American psychologist Howard Gardner. So, someone with the evolving ability to understand ideas framed in words is said to possess a degree of linguistic intelligence, while someone who can recognise, understand and manage emotions is emotionally intelligent.

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