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Joel has a dream.....

22nd June 2024 | People

Joel Dixon-Coen is 14 years old and a new resident of Kibworth. He has a dream, to become a Formula 1 racing driver. And not only that, he has been tipped by several people working within F1 to have what it takes, both on and off the track.

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The Kennard Pedigree

22nd June 2024 | Local History

Edward Kennard (left) was Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire and a justice of the peace. He lived at ‘The Barn’ (below). This was a large property situated on the hill off Shrewsbury Avenue in Little Bowden, Market Harborough. He had travelled in America during the Civil War (1861 – 1865) and entered Richmond, Virginia with the Northern troops. He won the second prize in the 1,000 miles motor competition in 1900 and was an ardent motor cyclist. Edward Kennard’s paintings in watercolours and oils were regarded as treasures in leading art circles, especially those done on china. Of which he had a unique collection. He also won several prizes for photography and was a well- known sporting novelist.

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Kibworth Harcourt Post Mill May 24

27th May 2024 | Local History, What's On

Over 70 people enjoyed a rare opportunity to visit the oldest mill in Leicestershire when it opened in glorious sunshine on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May as part of National Mills Weekend. Volunteers explained the history of the mill before showing visitors around, demonstrating the inner workings and highlighting the various marks left by the millers over the last 400 years.

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