It's not unusual for street names to be named after prominent members of the community. For instance, Market Harborough has several of these thoroughfares and one example of this is Logan Street off Coventry Road.
Defibrillators are devices that carry an electrical charge which can be used safely to correct potentially fatal heart rhythms. We see easily portable ones around our communities these days for example in old Telephone Boxes. They are checked and kept ready charged, often by appointees from our parish councils. Most potentially fatal heart rhythms are caused by Coronary Thromboses often called Heart attacks. To use Defibrillators successfully a knowledge of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation [CPR] is essential.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 7 March at the Methodist Chapel Hall. Doors open at 2pm for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat with other members, followed at 2.30pm by a talk given by Jeff Bates entitled Vegetables for Small Gardens!
Most of us will spend the majority of our lives enjoying great health and happiness. Nonetheless, it is also prudent to plan for unknown or unexpected circumstances.
In a world constantly driven by boys’ football, there's a quiet revolution happening. It's the rising popularity of girls’ football at Kibworth Town Football Club.