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Category: Councils

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County Councillor for Gartree - May 2023

22nd May 2023 | Councils

Cadent had permission to install gas pipes to the Coach & Horses pub in the week of 17-21 April and, initially, apart from switching off the Pelican pedestrian crossing lights, there were 2-way traffic lights to control traffic along the A6. This still resulted in long traffic queues, but these became much worse from mid-week when the roadworks included digging a trench half-way across the A6, and 4-way traffic lights were introduced.

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Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

22nd May 2023 | Councils

The Parish Council’s monthly public meeting on 6 April was held in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall. Cllr. Feltham explained that following an assessment of the workload and availability, the Clerk’s weekly hours were being increased. In addition, the Parish Office had been moved upstairs to a larger room to accommodate all the joint Parish Councils’ staff. A job description for an Assistant Grounds person was being written.

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County Councillor for Gartree

24th April 2023 | Councils

Thursday 23 March 9am saw the re-opening of the Kibworth Recycling and Household Waste site.  The summer timetable is now in force, so 9am to 7pm, five days a week; as before it is closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

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Kibworth Parish Council - March 2023

20th March 2023 | Councils

The parish council’s monthly public meeting on 2 February was held in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall. Cllr. Feltham reported the post required for mounting the vehicle-activated sign on Albert Street is due to be installed at the end of March. He and the clerk are meeting with the Community Speed Watch team on 3 February for them to carry out a risk assessment of the three chosen locations ready for the volunteers to measure speeds over two weeks starting on 22 April.

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