As we head into the winter months we know that lots of people will often put off their fitness regime with the thought of starting again in the new year. Unfortunately studies show that most New Year’s resolutions are over before the end of January.
World Acupuncture Awareness Day is on Wednesday 16 November this year, so I would like to share some information about acupuncture treatment and some of the things that my patients say plus the common things that I say too!
The idea that time moves on from the present to the future, while the past dwindles behind us, is a phenomenon that runs in the background of our lives. A concept in physics called time’s arrow or, more technically, the asymmetry of time. An idea developed in 1927 by the astrophysicist Arthur Eddington.
It seemed the whole country paused in respect and reflection at the occasion of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, including those in the UK’s osteopathy community, which has benefitted from various royal patronages and links over the years.
Whether you are going through cancer treatment or recovering from cancer treatment the thought doing exercise can be hard, even though we all understand its benefits.
As autumn and winter approach are you looking for new pastimes and ways to meet people? Perhaps you remember country dancing at school, or enjoyed a Barn Dance/Ceilidh and would like to try other English dances?
Some years ago I was asked to set up philosophy clubs in local primary schools. The aim was to show children how philosophical thinking goes beyond simple discussion and debate to explore complex concepts. One topic we talked about was, ‘What does it mean to be a person'? Children’s ideas ranged far and wide, with many young thinkers defining ‘personhood’ in terms of the roles that people have – child, pupil, boy, girl, Year Six and so on. Others talked about the essential features of being alive; eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli. A few introduced spiritual / religious ideas such as a soul being essential for personhood.